Debt is probably one of the most common concerns for most people today. Owing a significant amount of money to a bank or any other lender can be very stressful. However, most will agree that dealing with federal tax debt is the worst. The federal government takes your tax-paying duties seriously and has full power to collect on its debt. This means that tax debt collection is not only certain but also involves serious consequences.
Defaulting taxpayers are frequently penalized with fines, interest, levies, liens, and even asset seizure. For most, facing such consequences are far more daunting as compared to paying the tax debt. If you’re looking for the best way to deal with tax debt before it’s too late, read on. We dive deep into the different IRS debt relief alternatives available to you.
IRS Debt Relief
The most important concept you should grasp if you’re dealing with tax debt is that IRS debt relief is a real option for nearly all taxpayers. As evil as the IRS is sometimes portrayed, in reality, its only concern is to collect on what the government is owed. However, this is only possible if debtors have money to pay.
The IRS offers options that facilitate payment for those facing financial hardship. This way, it increases the probability of getting paid.
IRS debt relief includes several types of IRS debt agreements between taxpayers and the government. Such agreements address the concerns of both parties, to some degree. IRS debt help typically takes the form of a payment plan or debt settlement, depending on your specific situation.
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Your IRS Debt Relief Options
Installment Agreements
Installment agreements involve the IRS agreeing to a payment plan that will help you pay off your tax debt the easy way. Payments are made in installments during a period of time (up to 6 years), culminating in the full payment of your debt plus interest. The major benefit of this type of IRS debt relief option is that it saves you from scary penalties, liens, and levies.
Those owing less than 50,000 can easily apply for an IRS installment agreement from their website. A tax debt attorney can best consult you on the process and whether this is the best option for you.
Offer In Compromise
On special occasions, when tax debt payment, on any time frame, would result in an enormous amount of financial strain, taxpayers can apply for an OIC. This IRS debt relief option involves a settlement, where taxpayers have to pay significantly less than the amount owed. The IRS will only grant this type of debt help after careful consideration of all financial factors.
To apply for this type of IRS debt relief you need to pay 20% of the total offer amount in advance plus a fee of $186 US dollars.
Related Blog: Step-By-Step Guide to Filing for IRS Offer in Compromise
Take Advantage Of IRS Debt Forgiveness Program
The IRS is taking a friendly approach to encourage taxpayers to file and pay taxes. The IRS is aware that some payment, whether reduced or in installments, is better than no payments. For this reason, applying for installment agreements and other types of tax relief is easier than its ever been!
Applying For IRS Debt Relief
You can apply for any IRS debt relief option on your own. However, a tax law attorney can help you demystify the process. At Nick Nemeth’s Law Offices, our tax law experts will help you understand your own tax debt situation and discuss the best resolutions. Call us for a free consult at (972) 426-2553. or email us at jamie@myIRSteam.com.