There are two scenarios in which an individual may receive an IRS penalty; they are either late in paying their taxes or they file their tax return after the deadline. In case of late filing of your tax returns, the defaulter usually pays 5 percent of the tax amount every month, if the delay is less than 60 days. However, if they are late by more than that, they pay either a maximum of 100 dollars or 100 percent of the amount owed. In certain scenarios the defaulter can be exempted, some examples of which, we will discuss in this blog post. Read on.
File Destruction in Natural Calamities
Natural calamity such as flood, storm, cyclone can inadvertently destroy the documents you need to file your return or pay your due. This casualty caused by any unforeseen event will be taken into consideration by the IRS team.
Demise of the Taxpayer or a Family Member
The IRS regards the death of a family member as a permissible reason for one for not filing their income tax return or paying the income tax owed. If this situation has occurred in your life too, you need to have supporting documents to get exempted from IRS penalty. The IRS conducts an inspection to check the authenticity of the situation.
Riot or Violence
A riot or any major act of violence is usually highlighted by mainstream and online media outlets. If a taxpayer could not pay their taxes or file a tax return due to such a scenario, the IRS may withdraw the penalty. If, however, the claim is found to be fake, they can take strict actions against the claimant.
First-Time Abatement
A taxpayer gets this privilege if they are filing for a penalty abatement for the first time. To qualify for this exemption, one needs to have a clean history of filing return and paying taxes on time. There should not be any evidence of any IRS penalties in the past.
Wrap Up
Filing for an IRS penalty interest abatement is not as easy as it sounds. To learn more about the IRS penalty abatement process, get in touch with Attorney Nick Nemeth. Nick and his team of seasoned IRS tax experts specialize in dealing with IRS tax problems. Get a detailed evaluation and consultation without having to avoid the problem any longer. Call us at (972) 426-2553. You can also email us at jamie@myIRSteam.com.