Perhaps you might be more wary of checking your mail than your actual email. Yet, when the IRS sends you mail, you’ll want to get a hold on the situation as quickly as possible. In fact, regular mail is the IRS preferred method to reach out to taxpayers about IRS tax debt and other issues. If you’ve received a letter from the IRS, don’t panic. We’ll go over the possible reasons why you received the letter and what to do about it!
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Why Did I Get A Letter From The IRS?
When most people get a letter from the IRS in their mailbox, their first instinct is to expect bad news. Most taxpayers receiving these letters instantly suspect they are getting audited. However, this is not the only reason why the IRS might send you mail.
There are plenty of other reasons why the IRS might send you mail. This includes IRS tax debt, corrections to your tax returns and modifications to your refund. The IRS might also contact you about simple matters such as questions about your filed tax returns or to solicit additional information.
These letters are very important and deserve your immediate attention. Promptly addressing IRS tax debt issues, for example, enables you to start working towards IRS tax debt relief or reach out to the IRS office of appeals.
What Should I Do If I Receive A Letter From The IRS?
- The most important thing you should do when you receive a letter from the IRS is: pay attention! Ignoring mail from the IRS, depending on the issue at hand, can result in serious problems.
- In most cases, IRS letters involve issues to do with federal tax returns or tax accounts. Each IRS letter or notice will present a specific issue. In turn, it will map out specific instructions you should follow to work through the problem. By ignoring the letter, you not only prevent a resolution to the problem but allow it to grow.
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- If you’ve been notified regarding the need to pay IRS tax debt under threat of penalties, the best thing you can do is take timely action. This involves looking at different IRS tax debt relief avenues or studying the IRS appeals settlement guidelines. A tax attorney can best help you evaluate the alternatives according to your own case.
- No matter what the topic of the letter is, make sure you review all the information with the utmost care. Verify that all data is correct. If you suspect some information is erroneous, take note so that you can later contact the IRS.
- Keep in mind that while you should act promptly, you should not reply to an IRS notice letter. Unless the letter instructs you to do so, writing a response letter isn’t always necessary. The best response you can have to a letter is resolving the issue presented. That can mean anything from paying your IRS tax debt to providing some missing information.
Received an IRS letter and don’t know what to do?
If you are still feeling a little bit lost about the letter you received, the best thing to do is contact a tax law expert. A tax law attorney can help you deal with all taxpayer issues such as notices, IRS tax debts and IRS tax debt relief. Call your trusted tax attorney at The Law Offices of Nick Nemeth at (972) 426-2553 for more information and expert help with your IRS tax debt.