IRS Fresh Start Initiative in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

In 2011, the Internal Revenue Service announced a series of new steps to help people get a fresh start with their tax liabilities. The goal was to help individuals and small businesses meet their tax obligations, without adding unnecessary burden to taxpayers. Specifically, the IRS is announced new policies and programs to help taxpayers pay back taxes and avoid tax liens. This fresh start initiative provided various ways to lessen the negative effects of trying to resolve IRS problems, including the expansion of the Offer in Compromise program, more flexible installment agreement terms, and increased thresholds for filing tax liens. By easing the burden on taxpayers, the Fresh Start Initiative aims to promote voluntary compliance with tax laws, enabling individuals and businesses to recover from financial setbacks and regain stability in their tax affairs.



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    What Relief does the IRS provide?

    The IRS, under the Fresh Start Initiative, provides a number of ways to assist financially-distressed taxpayers.

    1. Federal Tax liens

    The Fresh Start Initiative created important changes to its lien filing practices that were designed to lessen the negative impact on taxpayers. The changes include:

    • Significantly increasing the dollar threshold when liens are generally issued, resulting in fewer tax liens.
    • Making it easier for taxpayers to obtain lien withdrawals after paying a tax bill.
    • Withdrawing liens in some cases where a taxpayer enters into a Direct Debit Installment Agreement.

    2. Installment Agreements

    The Fresh Start Initiative also makes streamlined Installment Agreements available to more taxpayers including small businesses. The payment program will raise the dollar limit to allow additional taxpayers to participate.

    3. Offer in Compromise (OIC)

    Under the Fresh Start Initiative, the IRS has expanded the OIC program by adopting more flexible Offer-in-Compromise terms. This expansion may enable some of the most financially distressed taxpayers to clear up their tax problems, possibly more quickly than in the past. What is an Offer in Compromise? An OIC is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS that settles the taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. Generally, the IRS does not accept an OIC if they believe the liability can be paid in full as a lump sum or through a payment agreement.  The IRS recognizes that many taxpayers are still struggling to pay their bills so they have put in place common-sense changes to the OIC program that more closely reflect real-world situations. This expansion focuses on the financial analysis used to determine which taxpayers qualify for an OIC.

    Our Practice Areas

    Offer in Compromise

    An Offer in Compromise (OIC) is an agreement between the IRS and taxpayers that

    IRS Tax Installment Agreement

    An IRS Installment Agreement is a provision that enables taxpayers to pay their

    Innocent Spouse Tax Relief

    When a married taxpayer files a joint tax return to get the benefit of the filing status

    Abatement of Penalties & Interest

    It seems like the Internal Revenue Service loves punishing taxpayers with

    Currently Non-Collectible Status

    Many taxpayers are unable to pay their tax debt for a variety of reasons including simply

    IRS Fresh Start Initiative

    In 2011, the Internal Revenue Service announced a series of new steps to help people

    Tax Extension

    There are times when you cannot file your tax return before the deadline and need some

    Our Blog

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    Answering Frequently Asked Questions About IRS Tax Liens

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    Call us or fill out the Free Case Evaluation Form to schedule your FREE confidential consultation in Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Austin and nearby areas in Texas.

    What Our Clients Have to Say

    Proud to have received
    “IRS Tax Lawyer of The Year, USA"
    at FM Taxation Awards 2024

    We are proud to announce that Nick Nemeth, the founder and driving force at The Law Offices of Nick Nemeth, has been recognized as the "IRS Tax Lawyer of The Year" in the USA, by the prestigious FM Taxation Awards, validating his unwavering commitment to providing exceptional IRS tax representation and advocacy.

    Whether dealing with IRS audits, tax liens, wage garnishments, or other tax controversies, our firm is dedicated to protecting your rights and helping you achieve the best possible outcome.

    We are honored by this recognition and remain committed to delivering the highest standards of legal service for all your tax-related needs.

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